Wednesday, 7th October

Domestic Violence Talk with SKRLWN Volunteering Society

AWAM collaborated with SKRLWN Volunteering Society to organize a talk on Domestic Violence. AWAM’s President and lawyer specializing in Domestic Violence cases, Premalosani Arivananthan, and AWAM’s Infocom intern Natasha Franklin discussed the current state of Domestic Violence in Malaysia with host and founder of SKRLWN Volunteering Society, Sherry Amin, who spoke about her own experience of domestic violence. You can watch the full talk on SKRLWN Volunteering Society’s IGTV. You can check it out here!


Friday, 9th October

Sexual Harassment Forum in University Malaya (UM) for their Minggu Haluansiswa UM

AWAM previously conducted the Sexual Harassment Awareness, Redress, and Prevention (SHARP) workshop at University Malaya, and we were now invited to speak at a forum for their orientation week of new UM students. The talk was conducted by SHARP Programme Officer Lilian Kok and Information and Communications Officer Anastasha Abraham. The discussion was very lively and the UM students here took the initiative to ensure that their fellow university mates are all informed on Sexual Harassment. The session can be rewatched here:



Friday, 16th October

Taylor’s Speakers Corner – Conversation on Sexual Harassment

AWAM collaborated with Taylor’s Girl Up, a club supporting gender equality, to bring to the public this forum on a frank conversation about sexual harassment. Nisha Sabanayagam our Programme and Operations Manager was joined by Ireeny Muzammel, Legal Officer of Sisters in Islam and Asheeq Ali an esteemed lawyer who is well-versed on sexual harassment. Check out the full session here:-



Wednesday, 21st October

GAP.MY Forum – Gangguan Seksual – Mitos Atau Kebenaran?

The ladies of GAP.MY, an organization that works to increase and intensify women’s participation in the social, economic, and political sectors in Malaysia, collaborated with AWAM to organize this talk on Sexual Harassment. Sexual Harassment Awareness, Redress, and Prevention (SHARP) Programme Officer Lilian Kok was invited as a panellist on this forum along side Founder and President of dearHER, Anis Nadzirah, a youth-led initiative championing for women’s empowerment in Malaysia, and Low Ngai Yuen, Founder and President of WOMEN:girls, an NGO helping girls and women achieve their potential through their various empowering programmes. You can check out the session here:-


Monday, 26th October

Malaysian Students’ Global Alliance (MSGA)’s talk on Sexual Harassment in Malaysia FAQT Check

This talk was organised by the Malaysian Students’ Global Alliance (MSGA) in collaboration with AWAM to discuss the current situation of sexual harassment in Malaysia. This talk explored how it is for survivors of Gender Based Violence (GBV) in Malaysia, especially during this current Covid-19 pandemic. YB Kasthuri Patto, MP of Batu Kawan, Penang and AWAM’s Programme and Operations Manager Nisha Sabanayagam were the speakers of this talk.

You can check out the session here:-


Monday, 26th October

Pusat Wanita Budaya (PWB) DUN Bukit Gasing – Gangguan Seksual Itu Apa? (What is Sexual Harassment?)

This virtual discussion was organised by Pusat Wanita Budaya (PWB) DUN Bukit Gasing’s Coordinator Thulsi Thivani to talk about what sexual harassment is and why the passing of the Sexual Harassment Bill is much needed. The discussion was very informative as we discussed what the public can do to show their need for the Bill by putting pressure on their MPs to support the tabling of the Sexual Harassment Bill in November 2020. The session can we viewed here:-


Wednesday, 28th October

MRT Sexual Harassment Awareness, Redress, and Prevention (SHARP) Workshop

AWAM’s SHARP Programme Officer Lilian Kok and Services Officer Mayna Patel conducted this workshop with employees of Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) Corporation, which is one of the biggest and most widely used transit system in Malaysia. Employees of MRT learnt a clearer and more comprehensive definition of what Sexual Harassment is, learnt preventive measures as well as the limitations in the laws in Malaysia that cover Sexual Harassment.


Saturday, 31st October

ASASI – Enough is Enough: Time to Table the Sexual Harassment Bill

ASASI, student activism organization a part of Kesatuan Penuntut Undang-undang Malaysia (KPUM) – aiming to engage law students with regards to human right, collaborated with AWAM to organize a talk on Sexual Harassment and the Sexual Harassment Bill. AWAM’s SHARP Programme Officer Lilian Kok was the speaker for this talk and we had two moderators from ASASI’s side. The discussion was very lively and the crowd was very active in wanting to understand the relevance and importance of this Bill. Come learn more and rewatch the session here:-