Tuesday, 2nd September

Meeting with Team Selangor

A very fruitful meeting between Team Selangor and AWAM’s representative Services Officer, Mayna Patel on a new project that Team Selangor is preparing which focuses on Women Empowerment and Leadership. The discussion lead to wanting AWAM be involved as speakers/trainers on the content topics: Women and rights, GBV, Privilege and Patriarchy, Women, and Leadership.

Meeting with Rekreasi

On the same day, Mayna Patel also conducted another meeting with the NGO Rekreasi which plans to give AWAM a slot in their open days which they sometimes have where they bring in organisations to educate and share on current topics in designated booths. Some of the future plans that we discussed during the session were to ensure that training on Sexual Harassment and Discrimination is mandatory for all coaches and referees before they can receive their coaching/trainer certification.

Saturday & Sunday, 5th September & 6th September

 Sexual Harassment Roadshow in Kelantan

AWAM’s Sexual Harassment Awareness, Redress and Prevention Programme (SHARP) Programme Officer, Lilian Kok and Services Programme Officer Mayna Patel attended the Program Turun Padang (Roadshow) organized by Kementerian Pembangunan Wanita, Kanak dan Masyarakat (KPWKM) in Kelantan which was a platform for all Exco members around Kelantan to meet and discuss women and family-related issues in the state of Kelantan.

This session brought AWAM closer to the ministry’s agencies in Kota Bahru to increase public awareness on the Sexual Harassment Bill that is expected to be tabled in November. We had the opportunity to speak with KPWKM’s Minister YB Rina Harun and Deputy Minister YB Siti Zailah and shared data on sexual harassment cases among university students and athletes in Malaysia.

Wednesday, 9th September

Memorandum of Understanding with PCM

The Paralympic Council of Malaysia (PCM) and the All Women’s Action Society (AWAM) have signed a memorandum of understanding as strategic partners in addressing issues of gender-based violence (GBV) such as sexual harassment, rape, and workplace discrimination among those in the PCM. This initiative is taken to protect and ensure the safety of all parties involved in the Malaysian sports movement including athletes, coaches, team managers, technical officers, association administrators, and other parties involved, regardless of gender.

Thursday, 10th September

SHARP Training with University Malaya students

AWAM conducted a very interactive workshop at the University of Malaya campus for University Malaya (UM) students. UM’s student council and the University Malaya Association of New Youth (UMANY) collaborated to organize this workshop for their fellow students in light of the heavily publicized case of sexual harassment that happened to a student within the UM campus perpetrated by a senior lecturer. The UM students were very active during the session and we had a good experience providing this training to young people.


Saturday, 12th September

SHARP Training with ABIM

AWAM conducted an online workshop, Sexual Harassment Awareness, Redress and Prevention Programme (SHARP), for Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia (ABIM) that made them aware of the many forms of sexual harassment, preventive measures and the current laws against sexual harassment.

Saturday, 19th September

Training of Trainers with ABIM

AWAM also conducted another workshop online for Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia (ABIM) which is the Training of Trainers Workshop. The training is meant to provide the listener with sufficient knowledge on the topic of Sexual Harassment Awareness, Redress, and Prevention in order for them to be able to train others in a similar way. This will enable the topic of Sexual Harassment and it’s many forms to reach many more people.

Friday, 25th September

Meeting Lembaga Kaunseling Malaysia

AWAM Services team, Mayna Patel and Hanna Aisya had a meeting with Lembaga Kaunselor Malaysia (LKM) on how counseling can serve the people. AWAM also discussed collaborating on projects with them in the future.